Study Tips
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Top 25 Speed Reading Tips For Students
- Remember your motivation for reading: When reading, keep in mind why it’s important for you to read what you’re reading right now. It helps focus your Reticular Activation System as I explain in my study book
- Pick ideal time to read: Many students are able to improve their reading speed and concentration by reading important material early on in the day while others it’s better at night, usually early evening. Test to find out what works best for you.
- Read with a pointer: Use a pointer to get your eyes to follow along quickly. The best pointer is your index finger!
- Never reread: Don’t go back to reread-you’ll only mess up the flow of reading. Just slow down a little and pick up the pace when you’re in the zone. Trust that some of the words are inconsequential and that you can piece it together
- Select and choose what you read: If you think you’re reading something that’s not really important, quickly move on to material that’s more essential. This alone can save you up to 50% of your reading time.
- Read like it matters: Pay attention and avoid reading in a passive way. It’s better to be focused for 10 to 20 minutes than to waste an hour going through the motions.
- Use your hand and finger to set your reading pace: With your right hand, use your finger as your pointer to train your eyes to read the letters and words faster.
- Practice regulating your reading speed: Learn how to speed up or slow down your reading depending on your needs and the context you’re in (quiet versus noisy environment).
- Read in smaller chunks: You don’t have to commit hours at a time to reading. When you fit it into your day in small chunks, you’ll get a lot more done – the trick is to remember to carry your book(s) with you!
- Reduce distractions: Reduce distractions to a bare minimum to improve your reading speed. Sometimes having your iPod on with instrumental music helps block out ambient noise and other distractions.
- Review before you start to read: Warm up before you start to read by looking at headings, subheadings, the introduction, and conclusion. Then you know what to read, often skipping over pages and chapters that are not relevant, saving you valuable time.
- Avoid fidgeting when you read: If you’re succumbing to nervous habits while you’re reading, you can quickly break your concentration. Speed reading requires more attention that standard reading. It’ll take time getting rid of your idiosyncrasies, but it will pay off in the long term.
- Work on expanding your vocabulary: Build up your vocabulary by reading more advanced texts and documents so that you won’t have to pause for unfamiliar words. Of course this is a double-edged sword, but trust that you’ll figure out the meaning as you read, often without reaching for the dictionary.
- Avoid vocalization: Don’t read the material aloud, that is what slows you down. The less you speak the words, the faster you will read.
- Seek answers to questions as you read: Make your reading more active and retain information better by questioning yourself as you’re reading. At first it will be hard to think and read at the same time, but you’ll quickly get the hang of it with a little practice and patience.
- Skim you material before you start to read: Pick out the most important information before you actually read the text. This helps your brain get ready to accept the information and can increasing your reading speed by as much as 50%.
- Read alone: Let others know that you’re trying to read and that you don’t want to be bothered.
- Adjust your reading speed: Adjust your speed based on the difficulty and importance of what you’re reading as well as the context and situation you’re in. Be reasonable – you can’t read at top speed all the time.
- Read right through punctuation: Don’t pause for periods, commas and other punctuation. You’ll notice that it speeds up your reading quite a bit.
- Highlight and underline only important words: Stay focused on only the most important details by highlighting and underlining only the most important words. Research has shown that highlighting tends to be a procrastination tool used by bored students. Don’t do it.
- Write down your thoughts as you are reading: Using a notepad to write down thoughts or questions that you can address later actually allows you to focus on reading. Otherwise you’re trying to think and read at the same time and that’s not going to work when you get to the next topic.
- Read in phrases but don’t skim: Do your reading in chunks of words rather than individual ones, but avoid skimming and skipping words – that will just confuse you.
- Limit your reading time: By giving yourself less time to read, you’ll train yourself to read faster with a target to achieve. Be reasonable and pick a time period that you know you can get it done without undue stress, but just enough pressure to push yourself.
- Take breaks when necessary: Take breaks from reading if you find your focus slipping. Often, that just means looking up, getting comfortable on your chair and stretching. Don’t let breaks interrupt your flow and momentum, otherwise you’re starting from scratch all over again.
- Don’t subvocalise: Just like reading aloud, speaking the words in your head takes extra time and prevents you from reading faster than you can speak. When you stop saying the words, you get way beyond 500 words per minute, if you don’t you’ll never crack that level.